Hey Skip..... Wut up?
On Nov 18, 12:15 pm, Bob wrote:
Hey Skip:
Your last post has a few of us speculating the meaning of your
comments about life altering events and and new course. What gives or
is this somthing best not psoted here?
Just a bunch of guys wondering how you doing..................
Thanks for asking, especially with our history :{)) (As alluded to in
another recent post, I knew what was happening/going on - and some of
the fiercest antagonists have become best buds over the years here.)
To your implied question, I'm doing absolutely terribly - but it has
nothing whatever to do with the boat (though I've got some challenges
there right now, too) or our decision to sell off and leave.
See my usual sigline. I just haven't' found the gift, yet.