DownTime wrote:
On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 08:03:56 -0500, DownTime wrote:
Do you have any links or sites to prove 'the most...' aspect of that
statement ?
Well, if you put Bush "most incompetent" in Google, you'll get 62,000
Guess what Google just gave me?
"Results 1 - 10 of about 769,000 for clinton adultery. (0.13 seconds)"
Beat your Googlin by over 1000%
I always get a chuck out of those sorts of comparisons...
"Bush started a war." "But Clinton got a blowjob!"
"Bush sent 3800 Americans to die in Iraq." "But Clinton got a blowjob!"
et cetera.
Obviously, the Republican "base" thinks nothing of sending people off to
die in a political war, but are horrified, just horrified, by the idea
of a blowjob. Or lying about a blowjob.