Mercruiser coupler replacement / transom issues
A buddy of mine has a '93 Stingray, which recently had the coupler go
out (acted like a spun prop hub, but we changed the prop with no
improvement and there was a burning rubber smell in the engine
Upon taking it to a repair shop, he also asked about a pooling of
water in the bilge when he idles.
The shop called back and they've said that there's a slight crack at
the base of the transom that likely indicates the transom is
bending/flexing, and has caused the coupler to fail (and perhaps is
letting water into the hull). Last I saw the crack it looked like
Gelcoat crazing, but my friend said it appears to be separating more.
The shop is saying that the transom needs to be replaced on top of the
coupler needs to be fixed.
Is replacing the transom on a 10 year old boat a common thing? Just
want to make sure my buddy isn't getting a raw deal.
Thanks for any input,