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Default OT conservatives rip Bush about war

"Harry Krause" wrote in message

That's the reason why Bush and his pack of lying, thieving thugs are out
in force now, pushing for a ban on gay marriage, restricting stem-cell
research and attempting to stop all abortions. It has nothing to do with
principle, and everything to do with motivating the simpie fundies to
get to the polls.

That's pretty darn similar to Kerry's recent pandering to minorities:
"Everyone here knows better than anybody, we still live with bias, we still
live with people who can't get over the hatred that's been put in their
hearts," Kerry, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, told a
racially diverse group of supporters at the breakfast on Monday.

That's the good ol' Demoncrat strategy of playing the race card.

"Bush screwed up in Iraq...never mind, he'll keep those gays in their


"Bush's economic policies have resulted in a net loss of jobs for
Americans....never mind, he's clamped down on those stem-cell

"Bush has loosened environmental and food safety regulations...never
mind, he'll stop abortions."

There's no group of voters more simple-minded than Republican fundies.

Union, NAACP, and gay/lesbian lemmings put them to shame when it comes to