The Great OS Upodate
On Fri, 30 Nov 07, PhantMan wrote:
I have an AMD Athlon XP sticker on the front of the desktop box but no
idea what the clock speed is.
Ooookie doke. Thanks guys for the suggestions.
This handy dandy little thingy I downloaded is telling me my processor
runs at 1.67 gigahertz. It's old but faster than I thought it was. And
736 megs of RAM. So if XP Home requires about the same as XP Pro (the
link upthread says XP Pro needs 300 Megahertz clockspeed), I guess I'm
good to go.
I found XP Home -Full Version- (not OEM or Upgrade) New on
PriceGrabber dot com for about $90. Does that sound about right? I
was expecting a lower price for XP since Vista came out. But.. -shrug-
Thanks again,