Thread: Old Gas
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Harvey Arkawy
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Default Old Gas


Thanks for your reply. I think I like your's best. They say that
great minds think alike.... I was planning on using 89 octane and
burning about two gallons of the old stuff after each fill up. Not
filling up until the gas gauge indicates less than 1/4 tank.

Thank all of you for your replies as well.


"Tony Thomas" wrote in message news:KH1Jc.85677$Oq2.4017@attbi_s52...
Given that it has oil mixed in the gas, I would not recommend using it in
the car as your cat and oxygen sensor will not like it and could cause
premature failure.

2 stroke engines don't like old gas. As gas gets old it will loose its
octane rating and can easily cause pre-detonation. I would suggest you use
3/4 tank of 93 octane fuel to 1/4 tank of this old gas and use it up that
way. The higher octane fresh gas will compensate for the older stuff.

my boats at

"Harvey Arkawy" wrote in message
I just purchased a used boat with a 1995 Merc 70 hp, 3 cyl. 2 stroke
"Force" motor. The previous owner said that the gas (~ 17 gallons)
was about a year and a half old. I would like to siphon it out into 4
five gallon cans. Has anyone done this and where do you suggest I
dispose of it. Please be kind.... I know where I don't want to put
it. I contacted the local Air Force Base Fire Department to see if
they could use it to burn during a practice fire, but the local Air
Quality Management Department (AQMD) required them to install propane
burners and burn propane during fire practice.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
