SSB Reciever only WINRADIO G33EM ?
On Dec 3, 6:38 pm, Larry wrote:
Do you see the thread about RF noise wiping out HF SSB radios?
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I did read that with great interest.
Do you see my answer about how the computers, NMEA, computerized
battery chargers, computerized inverters, computerized reefers
eat the HF reception up with RF noise generated by the DATA
circuitry all over the boat?
Uhhh, ya. I think I know where youre going with
Do you think plugging your RF noisy laptop into a receiver that
only uses your laptop as a control panel is going to make that RF
noise source, your laptop and anything hooked to it, go away?
Got it.
Case closed....NOT a good idea. If you want a
one. Winradio would be a good idea at a ham station where the
antenna WASN'T right on top of the in a boat.
So help me out here. I am very ignorant regarding such electrical
wizardry. I would like to receve a weather fax. What is a reasonable
way to do that if I also have a laptop? I was looking at a stand alone
Furuno WFX but it was a bit spendy for me. SO I thought why not a ssb
reciever and laptop. Should I forget plugging a SSB reciever into a
laptop to get a weather fax cause of all the RF noise?
oh, what ever happend to the USCG killing the ssb weather broadcasts?
Is a ssb based wfx going to meet the same status as LORAN?