"Cole Maze" wrote in news:475c3e36$0
OK, must admit...y're the MAN.
What is software worth these days...
Think I will go find another profession. Any suggestions?
Buy a service boat and do sanitation pumpouts. My buddy Joe took
his Jenneau 40DS to Tortola. As they approached BVI, they went
to open the seacocks to dump the tiny sanitary tanks overboard at
sea, only to discover they were stuck shut and wouldn't open, not
It cost Joe FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS to pump out two tiny 15 gallon
holding tanks in Tortola so they could take out the valves and
replace them. God know what that cost down there!
We're both in the wrong business!
Isn't it ironic that the same ISPs that are telling you
you're downloads threaten their networks......
.....are testing 100Gbps TV to sell on the SAME systems?