SeaTTY 1.80 beta is published - with GMDSS DSC decoder now
In article ,
Larry wrote:
Bruce in Alaska wrote in news:fast-F610FA.11361118122007
operating at 300 Watts PEP Output
300 watts?......Oh, wait, I forgot to turn on the linear....(c;
Bzzzt, Wrong conclusion, Larry, would you like to try for what is behind
Door #3.......
Yes the SEA330 is a 300 Watt PEP Output Transceiver. It was designed
for Commercial Vessel and BaseStation Installations. It can be
configured for Multiple Full Function Control Heads. (Up to 8, with
Special Firmware, and 3000 Wire feet TR Box to Control Head, with #22
4 Pair Wire, with Special Conversions) and is fully GMDSS Certified with
the SEA GMDSS Controller. The campanion SEA1630 Autotuner is qualified
for 300 Watts, on Steel Hulls, and 35' Antennas, on any Frequency above
3.6Mhz. Oh, how I wish SEA had made a SEA330 version of their
SEA325 Tranceiver. Now that would be a Commercial Radio worth owning....
I have installed a Pile of them, as Limited Coast Stations, all over
Alaska, and a bunch of them on the bigger Catcher/Processor Vessels
that roam the North Pacific and are SOLAS/GMDSS Required.
Bruce in alaska
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