"Short Wave Sportfishing" wrote in message

and blew through a ton of money buying this and that. I can't build a
quality rod for the kind of money I can buy a quality rod for.
Lures? Found something interesting - Chesapeake Bay Lures with a red
head and holographic foil body - very intriguing. Bought some in the
blue back herring color scheme and read headed white translucent body.
They have a great selection of fly making materials too - very nicely
priced - extremely competitive with a lot of speciality shops and a
great selection. Also picked up a new vise - 360 degree rotation and
numerous head angles - very nice vise for traveling and as a spare for
my bench vise.
Frankly, I was impressed on this trip.
That place is dangerous. I stopped into one of their stores because I'd
heard that they carry ALL the sizes of Mepps spinners I can't find anywhere
else except online. I figured I'd grab four or five.
$182 later......