I hope My Bilge Is Showing
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Backyard Renegade
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I hope My Bilge Is Showing
(judith) wrote in message . com...
I have consulted many references and I know that the bilge is the
rounded part of the ship's hold. I know that stagnant water collects
there.... Only thing though is I'm unsure what the expressions "Turn
of Bilge" and "Slack Bilge" mean.
Can anyone help me with a concise answer Thanks Judith
Ok, Judy... I'll bite one more time but you gotta co-operate. You have
several times come in with very generic and what could be local terms.
Many of these terms are probably more easily translated if seen in
context. Please list the "references" and if possible part of the
context of the article so we may better help you figure these things
out. BTW are you contemplating build a boat, doing research for a
project, or just trying to see what we will come up with here? I must
admit, it is starting to sound like you are just having a little fun
with us...
Scotty from
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