I hope My Bilge Is Showing
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I hope My Bilge Is Showing
On 16 Jul 2003 18:48:27 GMT,
(Chris Crandall) wrote:
Kiyu ) wrote:
: Hmm. Do yachting definitions differ from military nautical definitions?
: When I was required to "go topside" I went up on deck.
To go "topside" doesn't mean to go onto the "topsides". It means what you
say it does. However, they are simply different words (albeit quit
An example: Give him aid! vs. Give him AIDS!
Funny what one "s" will do.
Isn't it?
Especially when the "S" stands for Syndrome, a part of the acronym for Acquired
Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
Two entirely different things.
If I was told to paint the topsides I would have still have had to ask the Bos'n
what he wanted me to paint because it is relative and has no clear definition -
the topsides of what? If I had to redo the topsides of a Thistle I wouldn't redo
the outside of the hull.
The original poster said the topsides was the area between the waterline &
gunwales. The only thing I have heard this area called is the side of the
Are there any old salts out here who want to jump in?
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