Question for computer geeks
On Fri, 1 Feb 2008 12:08:10 -0500, "JimH" wrote:
wrote in message
.. .
On Fri, 01 Feb 2008 08:55:53 -0500, John H.
Gees, does *all* mean several, a dozen, a couple hundred? Man, I am way
behind you folks. Somehow I'm getting by with only one.
I guess you aren't a computer geek then ;-).
I am not even sure how many I have but I use 5 just about every day
and 3 are always on. Everything gets a network card when I build it.
1 laptop, 4 desktops in our house. 2 in my office, 1 in my wife's office
and 1 each in the kids bedrooms. That does not include my son's laptop and
my daughters desktop they have with them.
Wow, you're my hero. I've no idea how I survive with only one.
John H