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William R. Watt
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Default Newbie

Fish ) writes:
Hello. I've checked google, and found mostly oudated stuff,

Interesting comment. Although amateurs do put designs so old they're in
the public domain or the original pubisher has gone out of business, and
professional designers and their heirs sell old designs on websites, its
quicker, easier, and cheaper to put new stuff on a websites than to pubish
a book. I've seen more new designs and building projects by individuals on
websites than "outdated stuff". Take a look at Duckworks Magazine at (the "archives section can be viewed free
without a subscription) for new stuff. Also look in the links section.
Gavin Atkins keeps adding new stuff to his website. The
website is also frequently updated with new stuff. These are mostly
smaller boats one person can complete in less than a year.

There is a mindset which idolizes anything traditional but there are a
lot of other people with websites who are interested in innovation.

William R Watt National Capital FreeNet Ottawa's free community network
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