GPS antenna location
On Sat, 26 Jan 2008 18:44:41 -0000, "Nicholas Walsh"
wrote in :
Why do people persist in putting their GPS antenna on the stern rail. Is it
not one of your most important instruments? Do you want it to be yanked off
by some clumsy git climbing aboard from a dinghy or clipped off by a
shoreline? I have always mounted mine on the stern but directly on the deck
where it out of everyone's way. It also gets a perfect view of the sky
without the pendulum movement of a mast mounting. This is on my third boat
and I have never had one damaged. How many people keep a spare GPS aerial
for these eventualities?
In my experience the stern pulpit rail is safer -- I've seen too many
people kick an antenna mounted at deck level.
I always have at least two hand-held units to back up the boat GPS.
Best regards,
John Navas http:/