Well the Grady is out of the running...
Wayne.B wrote:
On Tue, 05 Feb 2008 14:55:35 -0500, HK wrote:
You certainly can go 50 mph in the right deep vee CC in the Gulf Stream
off Florida on the right days.
I hope you're not implying that your LTP is the right CC.
A lot of the SKA guys run that fast or
faster in the Stream.
With 33 foot deep-V hulls and light to moderate wind. Those days are
about once a week this time of year.
So? What's your point? That the majority of big time SKA'ers don't run
big deep vee's that can run 50 mph to the Stream, in it and back? Or
that they can't do it part of the year when the weather won't allow it?
As I stated, you can certainly go 50 mph in the right deep vee CC in the
Gulf Stream off Florida on the right days.
You want to tell me I'm wrong about that?
If you do, you're just bullsh*tting. Again.