I don't know how this particular alternator is voltage controlled but usually
just change the voltage regulator to 12V. When the field current is reduced
the output voltage is reduced in most cases.
I have changer the internal regulator in a standard 12v. GM alternator and it
operated for a year . ( The unit was sold ).
If you are, I just found the deal of the century on eBay. Check out
A 125 amp Electrodyne alternator current bid is $23.50 with no reserve.
It is an $1,800 brushless alternator. Probably one of the best ever
made. I am already committed to 12V or I would be watching it like a
hawk ready to bid.
Glenn Ashmore
I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or lack
there of) at: http://www.rutuonline.com
Shameless Commercial Division: http://www.spade-anchor-us.com