mike worrall wrote:
Your 'Rutu' web site does not specifically say why you chose to
install a 12 V system (as opposed to 24 Volts). Given that most of
what you're doing is fairly 'cutting edge', I might have thought you'd
opt to keep the wire size (and the subsequent weight) "small."
What was the deciding factor(s)?
Availability which reduced itself to the all mighty $$$$$$$. :-)
There are many times I wish I had gone 24V. It would have made things a
lot more efficient but you just can't find enough high quality stuff in
24V using the scrounge/surplus/auction methods I am so fond of. :-)
With patience you can find a lot of bargains in 12V but not in 24V.
I still would have wired for 12V. I have an account with a couple of
distributors. You would not believe the mark up on marine wire.
Glenn Ashmore
I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or lack
there of) at:
Shameless Commercial Division: