On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 16:52:31 -0800 (PST), Chuck Gould
It also takes some adjustment to the non-Western scale. Low "A" on the
bagpipe is where most people would listen for B flat, or even B.
Beyond that, the scale is something like a major scale but with an
augmented fourth and a diminished seventh. Its sort of a combination
of an Aabic scale and scales used in Europe druing the Middle Ages.
I just looked at the scale and it does seem to have an Arabic feel to
it with the low g/a, high g/a combination. Kind of lilke a C major
scale with a half-whole-augmented kind of deal.
One of the electronic keyboards I have allows you to tune it to various
piano temperaments.
It's really interesting to try playing contemporary music in some of the
historical settings.