To the music nuts
Wayne.B wrote:
On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 15:23:59 -0500, HK wrote:
Been a long, long time since you posted anything useful or original
about boats. What sort of boat do you have, and where, generally, do you
boat? Got anything on topic to add here?
The righteousness of the newly converted can be truly amazing.
If you are referring to me, I'm certainly not newly converted,nor am I
righteous. I'm just wondering why this newsgroup is so clogged with
posters who never or hardly ever have anything of consequence to say
about boats, fishing, whatever. It's not just that it is still winter in
the northern climes, because many of us up here are already planning or
working on boating/fishing related activities in anticipation of the
upcoming thaw. There's plenty of boating-fishing discussion in a couple
of the discussion group boards I frequent, places where non-contributing
turds like Reggie or Loogy would be tossed out on their butts on their
first day, and banned from returning.