Ship's Log
On Mar 2, 9:38 am, "Bill Kearney" wrote:
I have been on the internet since the days when it was black and
white, text only.
Gee, then you're a newbie. Most early screens weren't black and white
(plasma, amber, green, etc)
Not so. Most were Black and White CRT. If you had lots of money
maybe you had green or amber. I had amber.... Plasma was a rarity.
Though I still have an old Toshiba with Plasma (good for night vision
on my boat).
People make up new terms to replace old ones just to be
doing something because they lack a life outside of making up words.
Like "issues" to replace "problems." Its just a euphemism to make
problems seem like something else.
Sort of like pointless rants on usenet?
Sort of like a pointless response, right????