Ship's Log
On Mon, 3 Mar 2008 08:17:55 -0800 (PST), "jim.isbell"
On Mar 2, 9:38 am, "Bill Kearney" wrote:
I have been on the internet since the days when it was black and
white, text only.
Gee, then you're a newbie. Most early screens weren't black and white
(plasma, amber, green, etc)
Not so. Most were Black and White CRT. If you had lots of money
maybe you had green or amber. I had amber..
I went with the first IBM PC, the 8088, 64k mem, single floppy deal.
Tricked it all out a bit later, so it was a hot rod. Heh.
Think I paid 2700 bucks for the barebones.
The IBM monitor was the green.
Clones were coming with amber monitors, and to my eyes they were
"tacky." Never told anybody that until now.