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Larry Larry is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 5,275

wrote in news:ab95c8d0-da74-44d4-ab02-

If it
has been modified (openned up) to operate on the Ham bands, that would
be great...if it hasn't that is OK too.

To open it up is a software item and very simple to toggle back and

Hold down TX and MODE when the unit is off and continue to hold them down
while you turn the unit on. Whatever state it was in marine or 2-30 Mhz
transmit, it will switch state with this procedure. I toggle it all the
time to keep my captain from getting busted for being out of band. He's
not a ham. When I come aboard, I use M802 in the frequency mode on the ham
bands. Our antenna is the insulated backstay of the Amel Sharki's mainmast
plus a T on the top of it made by feeding the center of the triattic with
insulators on both ends in a nice capacitor hat which loads 'er up much
better on the lower end of the HF spectrum.

No modifications need be made to an M802 for other band operation...just
press and hold these buttons.

73 DE W4CharlestonSouthCarolina/MM2 formerly KN4IM, WB4THE, WN2IWH
(1957)...old fart. I was 11.
Larry in Charleston, SC

PS - Don't let technicians operate on 14.300 with a technician's license.
They're bustin' 'em left and right....(c; They do a QRZ lookup while the
guy is talking to the MM net.