Myrtle Beach..
On Sat, 22 Mar 2008 20:33:48 -0500, John H.
On Sun, 23 Mar 2008 00:17:54 GMT, Short Wave Sportfishing
On Sat, 22 Mar 2008 19:31:56 -0500, John H.
On Sat, 22 Mar 2008 18:43:39 -0400, "
"Tim" wrote in message
. You start out with pretzels and before you know it you have moved
onto pizza.
Costco pizza. Yum!
John *H*
(Not the other one!)
Cripes, John. and I'm sure you still crave spam w/hot sauce...
C-rations. yougotta love 'em.
o'f course, if you eat enough of them, I suppose you could start to
like them......
SOS, grits, and powdered milk. An all white breakfast. Chase it down with
chicory coffee blend. Makes you want to re-up just for the gourmet food.
It's obvious to me that both y'all know a lot about good food!
Ever have mystery meat in the CRATS?
Freakin' awful. I swear this is true - we were on an op up near Hue
and the CRATS they gave us were from the Korean War.
I have a package of Lucky Strikes in the green package that came with
one set of CRATS - those are from WWII. :)
Kids today have it too good I tell 'ya. :)
I will say this for the Squids - they had some decent food. Never
forget an R&R at Cam Rahn - real roast beef, real mashed potatoes,
real veggies and honest to god real blueberry pie with vanilla ice
Don't tell the Squids in here that I said that - ruin my upstanding
reputation. :)
Did you ever get to Vung Tao for in-country R&R? Cool place. Great place
for pictures.
Nope. Cam Rahn and Sydney, AU with a guy from the Aussie SAS whose
family owned a cattle ranch.
And when I say ranch, I mean an area the size of Wyoming kind of
Amazing place Australia.