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Larry Larry is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 5,275
Default About passing ham license tests....

wrote in news:ed700552-4c16-4fd3-bbf2-1e3ff7a63672

That may be the case for SSB, particularly 75 meters, but not so for
CW. Iv'e made over 2,000 "rag chew" cw QSO's in the last 2 1/2 years
and never had a bad experience. Everyone has been kind and courteous.
Now people do get a little stupid and rude trying to make dx contacts
in a pile-up but for general conversations, cw is a pleasure. Before
taking up cw, I did a lot of psk-31 which was much like cw as far as
courteous operators.

Eric N3EF

Eric, the reason CW and digital modes are different is because by the time
they are so drunk they get mean on SSB, they cannot function to type or
operate a CW key enough to get on the air.

You can be completely hammered and still get the damned VOX to key on an
SSB rig, revealing your asshole on SSB for the world....(c;

On a good Saturday night, I'd say a good 40% of the SSB ops on 75 meters
are well on their way to falling down drunk. It's been that way for
decades.....since AM!