msg wrote in
Larry wrote:
You can be completely hammered and still get the damned VOX to key on
an SSB rig, revealing your asshole on SSB for the world....(c;
On a good Saturday night, I'd say a good 40% of the SSB ops on 75
meters are well on their way to falling down drunk. It's been that
way for decades.....since AM!
Well, 80/75 is open right now and it is a Saturday night; FWIW, listen
to the traffic on 3913 kHz on two remote controlled rcvrs -- mine in
No. MN and the other in North Carolina. The audio is nearly in sync
between the two of 'em
If the No. Carolina rcvr has been retuned by someone, visit its
control page at
Those webpages don't respond, even the control page. Winamp or VLC won't
play the audio. What are you playing it with? It appears both are