Oh sweet Lord!
John H. wrote:
On Mon, 24 Mar 2008 19:44:01 -0700 (PDT), Tim wrote:
On Mar 24, 9:20 pm, HK wrote:
Tim wrote:
I just downloaded Agent 4.2. I now know what it feels like to be the
dog that finally catch's the car (without being run over).
I ain't used to this and I think I might have already messed somethign
up. Something about server names, now I don't knwo how to erase it
and figure it all out.
nuts with the dog. I have the stare in the headlight feel kinda like
Indiana Jones when he falls into the snake pit.
I ain't never seen anything like this.
Turely I AM computer illiterate!
All you really need is a simple program like Thunderbird. I can talk you
through the full set up of that and get you up and running in about 10
If you want some help with that, let me know.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Well, Harry. If I can't get some help on this I may take you up on
the offer.
But net the record show, that I *AM* making an effort to get a reader.
i know, I know, sometimes I can actually tear up an anvil with a
Looks like you're doing fine. Remember, Thunderbird is the program that
won't let Harry download multi-part files. If you've got a question about
Agent, give a shout.
I *don't* download those itty bitty multipart files you like. If I want
to upload or download a large multipart movie, or a large multipart
program file, or a multipart music file, I simply upload or download
several .rar files. There are several slick, modern programs that
prepare .rar files.
Your "knowledge base" is obsolete, Herring. So is Agent. It's still the
kludge of newsgroup readers.
Using "Agent" to download or upload bitty multi-part files was out of
date technology a generation ago.