On Mar 25, 8:23*pm, Marty wrote:
Wayne.B wrote:
There has been a lot of discussion about the proper way of operating a
dinghy in the Florida Keys, some of which has been well intentioned
but somewhat misinformed. *There is really only one proper technique
in the Keys, and those who have actually cruised there will recognize
it immediately. *A picture is worth a thousand words:
Anyone have a problem with this?
No life jacket? no kill switch clipped to pilot? He can afford a
zodiak, he can afford a jacket and kill cable. If he had those, I
would have no problem at all, especially with no one else on board.
Looks fun. In fact with jackets and a proper eye on safety, and with
my kids permission, I would do it with them in the boat...
*Water is calm, so what. ***** people
gotta have fun, if he does something stupid while in this position so
what. *Be young, play, you'll live longer.
I play with horses when I can, ride dirt bike, and have been known to
paddle in the dead of winter in Connecticut, I live young, lot's of
others here do too. We just live young, with an old man's eye on the
little stuff that makes all the difference between play, and someone
getting an eye poked out