On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:36:18 -0400, Gene Kearns
On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 15:18:45 GMT, Short Wave Sportfishing penned the
following well considered thoughts to the readers of rec.boats:
|On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 10:19:51 -0400, Gene Kearns
|On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 17:18:46 -0400, BAR penned the following well
|considered thoughts to the readers of rec.boats:
||Short Wave Sportfishing wrote:
|| Guess what? We are now required to have a TWIC.
|| As it's known in moron land - Transportation Workers Identification
|| Credential.
|| Doesn't matter if you don't actually work in the Maritime Industry or
|| require Port Facilities access, you gotta get one.
|| Hones to pete.
|| http://twicinformation.tsa.dhs.gov/twicinfo/index.jsp
||Do you get one of them fancy TSA like uniforms too?
|The silly thing is that the only difference in the documents required
|to get the TWIC and my OUPV/Masters is the additional $132.50. The
|last time I renewed, they even took a digital picture and
|fingerprints. They have the information, this is just another dig for
|Mine's up for renewal in May 2009 so I haven't gone through the new
|process yet.
|I did the whole preenrollment thing for examination process and the
|online form kept kicking my application out because I hadn't filled
|out the employment section. I called the hot line and explained the
|issue and the lady, very nice by the way, asked me why I needed the
|TWIC. So I told her the whole deal and she laughed, took care of it
|and presto - all done.
|I don't know if you are aware of this, but it's $105 if you have a
|current license issued after May 31, 2005.
Yeah, I renewed last Summer, so I should be good for the lesser fee.
My "pre-enrollment" hasn't hit the computer yet. I may just "walk-in"
in Wilmington, since I don't have to make that long pilgrimage to
I thought I was going to have to go to Boston, but apparently there is
an examinination/issuing center in New London.
Hell of a lot better than going to Boston. :)
I have to admit, the online thing is pretty slick - bada bing, bada
boom - you are done.
Well except for the employment thing that is. :)