Amen to all the respondents about how wifi can work, and how long it
will be before the newer technology is available.
To shorten the learning curve, while I didn't do this (those here for
a while, and those visiting alt.internet.wireless, I think it was,
will recall I went through the tortures of the damned to get to where
I am today), my equivalent is available in 12V, plug-and-play, from Those interested can see all the installation
details, as well, in my photo gallery.
Bob Stewart, the owner, who's also, now, sold me the 12V replacement
to my rapaciously hungry (over 10A) "laptop", was extremely helpful in
assisting my way through the minefields that a senao rep had created
for me by selling me something which patently wouldn't work. The end
result was essentially what he sells, but I'd already done the 110VAC
POE, so didn't replace it. I heartily recommend him, unless you're a
geek like me and like tinkering, and would rather recreate the wheel.
In the end, I would have been far better served to have bought it
there, immediately, and I'd have had more than 2 additional years of
use, rather than the first two years of agony (and failure, along with
constantly having to defend my time to Lydia, who wanted everything
else to be done first - but, now, having internet phone and her own,
separate, wifi signal aboard, loves it and forgives me) I did...
As to strength and utility, it's now a very rare event that I don't
have a usable signal at anchor, anywhere, and frequently can pick up a
usable signal under way if I'm near (1-3 miles) shore...
Morgan 461 #2
SV Flying Pig KI4MPC
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you
didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail
away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain