"Bob Crantz" wrote in message
"Wayne.B" wrote in message
The potential problem is
the long run of cable up the mast which will create a lot of signal
loss even with the very best LMR400 cable.
That cable has a loss of about 6 dB/100 ft at WiFi frequencies. A colinear
antenna can have gain way in excess of the loss and maintain an isotropic
pattern in the horizontal plane. Figure 50' of cable with 3 dB of loss
added to a 9 dB gain antenna is a net gain of 6 dB. It could work out
quite well. One has to consider the entire system, not just isolated
elements. This is a much cheaper and more reliable solution than an active
bridge up on the mast head.
I have personal experience with respect to this topic. Putting a wi-fi
antenna at the masthead is the WRONG thing to do. You don't want it high up.
You want it low down. It gets better reception low. The signals seem to be
stronger low. Mount a good amplified antenna at deck level for the best
reception. No need to worry about long lengths of co-ax at all.
Here's a good antenna that works well and is priced reasonably.
Wilbur Hubbard