Thread: wi-fi antenna
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Wilbur Hubbard[_2_] Wilbur Hubbard[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Aug 2007
Posts: 1,244
Default wi-fi antenna

"You" wrote in message
In article,
"Wilbur Hubbard" wrote:

"RichH" wrote in message
I use the WaveRV marine antenna. Near metro, etc. areas I can get
adequate 'signal' 2-3 miles off the NE US coast. I have it mounted on
the stern rail ... seems to work better there.

Thank you for telling it like it is. Experience under actual sailing
conditions trumps armchair bull**** every time.

Wilbur Hubbard

Willie, what you know about 2.4 Ghz RF Antenna Propagation and Path
Design, is smaller than you IQ, which you amply demonstrate every
time you post. Best you leave this to the folks, who actually have
Professional Experience, in the field......

All you armchair 'experts' can run off at the mouth till the cows come home
but it proves nothing other than your heads are full of theoretical crap.
What matters is how things work on a sailboat in the real work-a-day world.

I sail. I've sailed most of my life and I know what works on a sailboat. I
have actual practical experience with wi-fi on a sailboat. I know of which I
speak. You theorists just spout lame ideas without ever having put them to
the test.

Wilbur Hubbard
(sending this e-mail via a pirate signal through the wi-fi matrix and 1/2
mile offshore with wi-fi omni antenna stuck out the main salon hatch a mere
four feet above the water. Signal strength 95%, Link Quality 97%)