Thread: wi-fi antenna
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Goofball_star_dot_etal Goofball_star_dot_etal is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default wi-fi antenna

On Wed, 2 Apr 2008 13:10:05 -0600, "Bob Crantz"

"Wilbur Hubbard" wrote in message
I have personal experience with respect to this topic. Putting a wi-fi
antenna at the masthead is the WRONG thing to do. You don't want it high
up. You want it low down. It gets better reception low. The signals seem
to be stronger low. Mount a good amplified antenna at deck level for the
best reception. No need to worry about long lengths of co-ax at all.

Here's a good antenna that works well and is priced reasonably.

Wilbur Hubbard

If your antenna is vertically polarized you could see a 3 dB increase in
signal if it placed over a conducting ground plane such as salt water.

6dB. Principle of superposition. No power splitting required for the
image. No change in antenna radiation impedance if the distance from
antenna to ground plane is large in terms of wavelengths,
as is likely to be the case in this situation.