Anybody ever buy stuff from Overton's?
"HK" wrote in message . ..
D-unit wrote:
"Tim" wrote in message ...
My brother gets their catalogue and I've looked though it and it
doesn't really seem like there's anything in there that I need. But
they do have a good selection of stuff, though. I looked at the prices
of their electrical things and saw items there that I thought were
rediculous, and saw things in there that my local marina[s] have for
compatable pricing. But not all things.
Anyone have experience with Overton's
I used to schlep all the way to North Raleigh to buy from them.
These days,
If Ebay or Wal-Mart doesn't carry it, I don't need it.
Ebay or Wal-Mart?
I've become a huge fan of on-line shopping for most light weight items.
There just aren't enough hours in the day for all that running around.