InfoWorld and CIO are all saying YES.
from the article listed above.
Throw Vista away. That's what my colleagues at our fellow IDG
publication InfoWorld have now argued that Microsoft should do. Give it
a dignified resting place, as a stepping-stone OS, and come up with a
replacement that's more sensible for enterprise IT. There is historical
precedent in the consumer OS space for such a move; look at Windows ME
and how it became a footnote in Microsoft history.
"Microsoft should toss Vista in the trash, as the company did with
Windows Millennium eight years ago, then issue a Windows XP Second
Edition (as it did with Windows 98 eight years ago) that capitalizes on
some of Vista's key benefits. Then the company should focus on Windows
7, rather than keep trying to push Vista down unwilling customers'
throats. If that's too radical, how about doing an XP Second Edition
while also continuing to rework Vista?" writes InfoWorld executive
editor Galen Gruman, who created a petition that 100,000 people have now
signed asking Microsoft to save Windows XP.