On Tue, 15 Apr 2008 08:01:24 -0400, BAR wrote:
John H. wrote:
On Mon, 14 Apr 2008 20:41:52 -0400, BAR wrote:
John H. wrote:
On Mon, 14 Apr 2008 19:18:14 -0400, BAR wrote:
Short Wave Sportfishing wrote:
Too freakin' cold.
Al Gore is an idiot - Global Warming - HA!!!
Is Friday the 25th going to be cold?
It better be nice in NC, as I plan on spending that week visiting the bro'
and playing golf for five days!
BTW, here's a site you may like: http://tinyurl.com/4h8pcu
Pinehurst #2 or Exit 147 on I-95?
BTW, my wife bought me a new set of clubs for my birthday. Callaway Big
Bertha irons, FT5 driver. I love 'em!
Are you still playing Army golf? Hit one to the left of the fairway,
then hit the next one to the right of the fairway, .....
Absolutely! I was taught at Fort Benning, in the Infantry School
Instructors Course, to walk M's and W's on the stage to keep students more
awake. I try to practice the same thing on the golf course.
Hell, I shot a 93 from the whites at Prince William GC on Saturday. That's
the best I've done there. Had a 9 on one hole or I'd have had a great day.
A damn pond ate three of my balls!
John *H*
(Not the other one!)