OT - New PC in da house..
D-unit wrote:
Actually we needed another workstation
here at work rather quickly ( for my new replacement)
Im keeping a desk and my pc here for the time being.
I went up to the TigerDirect store in North Raleigh
Sunday to see what they had.
I got:
Acer Veriton M410
Windoze Xp Pro SPII
AMD Sempron 3800+
Built in video/LAN/sound
Brand new, not a refurb.
$379.00 plus tax.
After 2 hours of downloading/installing "updates"
...She works fine.
Learn something every day. I had no idea TigerDirect had retail store
outlets. What are the stores like? Are they *big* stores with lots'o'stuff?
The best computer stores I've ever been in are the MicroCenter
operations. Huge stores, at least the ones around here, with some depth
of inventory. I understand some of the left coast indy stores are pretty
big, but I've never shopped one in person.
I think XP SP III is out, or about to be out. I installed the beta on my
old laptop before I sent it to its new home.
My server has that same AMD Sempron chip as its CPU. No hiccups, and it
runs 24-7 as a backup device for several computers, and as an in-house
and off-site media server and web host.