Tuna Feesh on the Dock
JimH wrote:
"HK" wrote in message
JimH wrote:
"Wayne.B" wrote in message
On Mon, 14 Apr 2008 12:57:24 -0700 (PDT), jerryeveretts
Too bad the quality of those fish was ruined by not properly gutting
and bleeding..
Don't know if it makes a difference or not but they had been caught
that afternoon and packed in ice until minutes before I took the
picture. They went immediately from there to be cleaned. Right or
wrong, that seemed to be typical local procedure. We had fresh Mahi
Mahi from the dock one night that I cleaned myself and it was quite
That is how we do it also. Keep 'em on ice then fillet them once getting
Certain fish are "better" if you gut and bleed them right after catch them
and then put them on ice. Kingfish mackerel fall into this category, as do
sharks, and from what I have seen, tuna.
I did not know that as I do not fish sal****er.
What? You don't know everything? That's the problem with being
affiliated with OSU...you end up not knowing everything! :)