$3.89 at the pump...
"Eddie" wrote in message
On Thu, 10 Apr 2008 16:30:48 -0400, "JimH" wrote:
"Tim" wrote in message
On Apr 10, 11:59 am, HK wrote:
...at the marina at lunchtime. Same grade is $3.49 at the discount
highway volume pumpers today.
Not as bad as I thought. This was for mid-grade gasoline.
Lots of activity today...at least a dozen trailer rigs sans boats parked
near the ramps, a bunch of stored on the hard boats back in their slips,
guys waxing boat sides and painting bottoms, and the marine shop was
installing a new V8 inboard in a 27-footer.
Don't know about the Lake Carlyle marina, but street pump here is
$3.29 for 87, and $3.35 for 89 gasohol.
We are now at about $3.19 on the street for 87 octane, with swings from
$3.09 to $3.29 from day to day.
Why don't you guys say where you're at? I don't personally know
anyone on this group so don't know where they're at.
These prices are from this year, right? Well, here in San Jose, Ca.
street prices are hovering near $4.00 for reg. up to $4.50 for
premium. (in the up-scale nearby towns like Palo Alto, expect about
.25 cents more) I haven't checked dock prices but on Bethel Island in
the Delta it's usually about $1.00 more than street. So I figure by
summer time dock prices will be around $5.50 to $6.00 a gallon.
You guys are lucky at those prices.
I paid $4.24 for Diesel today in Pleasanton. Thinking of going for halibut
on Friday, and the boat needs fuel, lots I think.