Thread: Starting out
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Jacques Mertens
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Default Starting out

There is a design in that book named TitMouse.
The boat looks quite ugly on paper but I saw one in the water and it is a
pretty boat IF you like old fashioned designs and accept less performance
than a modern design.
Don't forget to cover with linseed oil (first cold press only) after
caulking with moss and tar because modern materials like epoxy don't work .
.. .

Just teasing the epoxy critics . . .


"Freddie Richard" wrote in message
Yes that is the book, my questions are not specific. I'm just looking for
some personal experiences with both to make my decision by.

Thank You,
Freddie L. Richard

"William R. Watt" wrote in message
"John Smith" ) writes:

I've always wanted to build a boat and have decided to start with

one from a book by a man last named Rahl, I don't have it with me.


possibly "Boatbuilding in Your Own Backyard" by S S Rabl (1958)?

worked with both wood and steal extensively and I am drawn towards

If I were going to build with steal (metal) I would only need a few

tools though. I'm just looking for personal experiences, mainly with

the Hull.

any specific questions?


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