Gene Kearns wrote:
On Tue, 22 Apr 2008 07:23:31 -0400, jamesgangnc penned the following
well considered thoughts to the readers of
I vote for the cuddy, too. After my son froze my butt off on a fishing
trip years ago, I gladly traded the bowrider for the cuddy. Now, in
January, I have a place to sip coffee and warm up before I go to the
back and do some more fishing.
|Small cuddies are worthless as tits on a boar hog in my opinion. They just
|end up being big storage areas.
How small is small? And you'll have the same problem with the
bowrider.... only the stuff will just roll and blow around.
|No one wants to ride in there so you're
|just sacrificing passenger space that you would have had with an open bow.
You are not *always* underway. My wife likes the privacy issue and,
being very fair, appreciates having somewhere out of the sun. She'll
also go below to read sometimes while we're anchored and I'm fishing.
|If you want to entertain that means other couples. Everyone will want to
|sit outside when the boat is moving.
That tends to be true.
|When the boat is sitting still the
|cuddy is too hot to stay in anyway.
It sure can where we live, but this guy is going to be in a colder
|\My experience is that everyone is in a bathing
|suit and just jumps in the lake to pee.
Yeah, right. Maybe 6 months out of the year, here, but the OP boats in
Lake Erie. That oughta make those puppies perky even if Mom is 85
years old....
Guy with a 21' Parker pilothouse has a great cabintop A/C on his boat
that runs off a small gasoline Honda generator he keeps at the stern of
the boat.