sunflower raftup
On Apr 30, 10:11*am, sailmonstermomma wrote:
Pick a sheltered location with good holding and little current on a
calm day (we chose Dutch Harbor off Jamestown in Rhode Island). Assign
someone primary responsibility to plan it out and give orders.
Choose the largest vessel in the fleet and have them anchor first
Make sure everyone is ready with dock lines and fenders either side.
Choose a nimble vessel that backs well and can set a sturdy anchor in
the opposite direction (i.e., anchor from the bow but stern toward the
first vessel and the wind). *Pass a nylon line between the sterns of
the two primary vessels to keep them in line along the diameter of the
circle. Estimate the diameter of the circle given the fleet size and
adjust as boats are added. In our case, this was the person organizing
the raft up; being both the first to anchor and last to close made it
the ideal spot for him to observe and counsel from.
Choose the next largest vessels and have them join the first anchored
boat on either side. *Have each of them set their anchors. *They can
do this by setting their anchors then dropping back to raft up, or
they can raft up and someone in a dinghy can drop their anchors for
them. *(We had an inflatable dinghy helping out. *We lowered our
Fortress to them with a trip line that had a rope and buoy tied off.
They basically dragged it with their dinghy as far as they could,
given the weight of our chain rode, and then dropped it while we set
it from our bow. We were happy to have the trip line as the anchor was
well set when all was done.)
Continue to add vessels either side and setting anchors about every
third boat. *As you add boats, you need to make sure the newly rafted
boat drops back just a bit and keeps the bow looser than the stern or
you will have a straight line rather than a circle. Set spring lines
as well as bow and stern lines, and instruct everyone to watch their
As the circle closes, adjust the length of nylon line between the
first two boats.
Keep the smallest most nimble vessels for last. *They will have to
back into the circle.
When the last vessel is in, tighten up the nylon line bisecting the
raft up as you adjust the anchor rode for the boats on the downwind
Arrange in advance for a helicopter to fly over when complete. Go
swimming in the middle, go visiting around the circle, and enjoy
cocktails on the flag officers’ decks. *Remind everyone as a courtesy
that the bow is where one crosses over rafted up boats as not to
disturb activities in the cockpit. Break up before nightfall and have
everyone re-anchor for a safe night.
Crossing at the bow seems rather tricky, especially after a few, er,
uh, cool sips.. Which one is you?