Yeah... mis-read the website I posted... Doug is, as usual, right. LOL
wrote in message
I’m going to visit US this summer (by sailing across - Lake Ontario).
I have been told that I will need I-68 program/form to get there
Yes, it makes the border crossing into the U.S. much easier.
I read about that on US GOV website.
I’m located in Toronto area.
Can somebody explain to me where I have to go to get the I-68 form.
My wife and I are US citizens, and called several INS offices before
we found somebody that could help. The problem they have is that the
'Homeland Security' department controls everything, and changes the
rules without telling anybody. We are much safer from terrorists if
it's harder for law-abiding people to get any gov't cooperation.
Politics aside, we found that the Customs & Immigration office at the
Rochester airport knew about these forms and would issue them, but
only if we went in person. Kind of a pain, but we have business in
that area anyway.
Hope this helps
Fresh Breezes- Doug King
from this website
"I-68 Form for short U.S. cruises"
"All persons coming into the U.S. are subject to Immigration and
Customs inspection. The U.S. government's I-68 (Canadian Border Boat
Landing Permit) allows both Canadian and American people entering the
U.S. on a boat to by-pass inspection. You must still "check in" by
phone and everyone one board must have a valid I-68. Boats longer than
30 feet are not elligible but may get a U.S. customs decal. Customs or
I.N.S. ports are becoming fewer and further between, so this is a
considerable convenience."
"Each person on board your boat, including children, must be
registered and possess an I-68 form. All individuals not listed on the
I-68 form must, upon landing, immediately proceed to the nearest port
of entry to be personally inspected by a United States Immigration
Inspector. Possession of an approved I-68 satisfies all reporting
requirements of the U.S.I.N.S. (Immigration and Naturalization
"If you have a valid I-68 for each person on board meaning very person
on board must have a valid I-68 in order to use this program. You may
enter at any port but current regulations require that all vessels
report their arrival into the United States. This report may be made
by phone (or cell phone) to 1-800-827-2851 in the St. Lawrence River
and Eastern Lake Ontario or 1-800-927-5015 in the Buffalo and Western
Lake Ontario area. You may only use this form to visit the designated
border area for up to 72 hours (3 days)."
"How to get an I-68 form:"
"You can order a copy of the I-68 at: U.S. A. I.N.S. Website, or you
can call 1-800-870-3676 (from USA exchanges only). "
"j" ganz @@