On May 14, 3:38*pm, John H. wrote:
On Wed, 14 May 2008 12:17:25 -0700 (PDT), wrote:
On May 14, 3:05*pm, (Geoff *Miller) wrote:
It isn't commonly known that the Coasdt Guard tested
a couple of hovercraft on San Francisco Bay in the
early 1970s:
"That which has always been accepted by everyone, everywhere
*is almost certain to be false. *- Paul Valery * * *
This is a different concept, it has wings and will actuall fly a few
feet off of the surface!
Hey Loogy, I told Wayne B, over in Chuck's place, that you were the local
hovercraft expert. He's interested in the '18' model.
John *H*- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Not an expert, but I built one, ran it a few years, etc. I did belong
to a local homebuilt type hovercraft club and learned alot from those
guys. I'm going to try to remember to rummage around in my scrap books
and find some pictures. I'll certainly try to help!