So Who's Planning a Trip to Where?
John H. wrote:
On Tue, 13 May 2008 21:33:20 -0400, Wayne.B
On Tue, 13 May 2008 14:14:03 -0700 (PDT), sailmonstermomma
I see lots of people on the docks of my marina getting ready to go
somewhere this time of year. The last month I have noticed a lot of
blue tape coming off boats and MOB poles, radar reflectors, and jerry-
jug boards going back on. So, where's everyone going?
Taking off for the Bahamas sometime in the next 7 days or so. Just
loaded up today with 1,000 gallons of fuel and 500 gallons of water.
The boats riding a little lower in the water tonight. :-)
Don't eat too much conch stew. Man, I really loved that stuff!
If you mean conch chowder, we can get that right here. Excellent!