Hovercraft Questions
On May 15, 12:49*am, Wayne.B wrote:
On Wed, 14 May 2008 13:01:55 -0700 (PDT), wrote:
Not an expert, but I built one, ran it a few years, etc. I did belong
to a local homebuilt type hovercraft club and learned alot from those
guys. I'm going to try to remember to rummage around in my scrap books
and find some pictures. I'll certainly try to help!
The one with the wings and limited flight capability is particularly
appealing for reasons that are difficult to define. *Perhaps it is the
prospect of leap frogging a Florida Fish and Wildlife boat that is
trying to determine if you are speeding through a slow speed zone in a
boat as opposed to flying through it a few feet off the water. *We
have a lot of really shallow water around here and quite a few
ridiculous (boat) speed *limits.
The ordinary hovercraft I built was registered as a boat just because
the laws were vague and it kept me from getting harassed! I agree it
would be fun to have the winged one and mess with people! I'll tell
you, the guy that started and owns Universal Hovercraft is a real nice
guy. When I built mine many years ago, you could just call him for