now banned..
wrote in message
On May 17, 6:22 pm, (Richard Casady)
On Sat, 17 May 2008 09:06:49 -0700 (PDT),
That's tough **** and you will get no sympathy at wreckboats. We all
know you richly deserved it. We can always tell by the whining, the
****ing and the moaning. If you can't take a joke carry a crying towel
and be quiet.
On the contrary. Several here on and off line get the point. Argueably
it is a valid point to any thinking observer of the cast of characters
who has been here (wrecked boats) as long as you have, even if they
don't agree with me. Your disagreement, or failure to understand my
point of view, does not make it any less valid. But you can slap me
around here a little if it makes you feel good... don't remember ever
taking a cheap shot at you, but maybe I did. Anyway, you go boy, sorry
to have wasted your bandwidth....
I'm sorry you got into this situation Scotty, as I always felt you had good
and interesting contributions to make.
I hope you aren't being influenced and thus judged by the 'company' you keep