On Tue, 20 May 2008 16:53:04 -0400, "D.Duck" wrote:
"John H." wrote in message
.. .
Anyone here use it for fishing? If so, what knots do you use that are
to tie and hold well with the braided line. I've always been partial to
palomar knot, but it requires a loop over the hook or lure. Sometimes
that's not possible, such as when tieing lures to a triple swivel.
John *H*
Check out the braid knot he
I've been using it for years with good success.
A lot of fisherman don't pay enough attention to knots.
Fishing with my dad about 40 years ago, he lost a number of big
Northerns when his line broke. He was saying Damn!, then showing
me the curled end of the broken mono line, which made it evident it
had broken at the knot. My dad fished every minute he could and
everywhere he could since he was a pup.
Not too long after that I ran across an article about knots in a
fishing magazine where they had actually tested a variety of knots
with mono using calibrated lab gear.
The improved clinch knot - which I had never even heard of - tested to
about 95% of the test strength of the line. It was way ahead of any
other knot.
I razzed my dad about ME teaching HIM a knot, but he picked it right
up and never had that problem again.
Since I've used it I've never had an improved clinch knot break or
pull out.
Sometime later I saw an article by the same writer on the "new"
improved clinch knot, which is the same but doubles the line first so
you have two tag ends to snip. The article said it added a couple pct
points to the strength. I don't bother with that as it makes a bigger
knot and picks up weeds easier.
Those were the only two times that I saw the knots measured
That's the same as the "braided" knot in the link, except for number
of turns.
Five turns has always worked for me, and I was surprised to see them
using eight. I always assumed that mono would slip easier than
braided. I use five turns with mono or braided.
The only reason I use braided is to keep my favorite reel, a
baitcaster, happy..
I've been using Fireline for some years since the cotton braided rots
fast. At first I felt like I was cheating, but since not one fish
called me out on it, I got over that.
I can't figure out that "Palomar" knot from the picture, and would
have to tie it to understand it, but unless I see a scientific test
showing it's better than the improved clinch knot I'll keep using the
improved. Only one knot to think about and I can tie it blindfolded.
I even use it on the spool.