Interface issues
Mas Dubh :
Chart Nav Pro shows DST info (well, everything it can as it is still on
land - hence no depth as yet). Wind info doesn't show up although CNP
shows data from AIS (separate usb port), GPS info and DST info. Logging
the port shows wind info being received however. Any ideas?
Which wind sentences do you get? I have a similar problem with an old
anemometer whose wind sentences are not understood by the TackTick
repeaters. I use MaxSea on the computer to translate to newer nmea
sentences, and resend them to the TackTicks. If CNP cannot do that, it
should be fairly easy to program the translation.
Fitted Navman repeater - can I take the output from either the NDC4 to
show all the info? (present limited attempt shows NMEA - "no" report on
Navman screen.
Well, I have experience with the NDC4, but I don't know your navman
repeater. What kind of input does it require? RS232 or nmea? Which speed?
How did you connect it to the NDC4? I think the "ISO OUT 0" works at 38400
baud by default (it is meant to be coupled with "OPTO IN 0" to connect an
RS232 socket, to connect to a PC instead of the USB cable), so if your
repeater is a standard nmea device at 4800 baud, you should plug it on "ISO
OUT 1" (and check its speed with the )
BTW, I couldn't get the NDC4's filters to work, until I tried to connect it
to the PC with a serial cable instead of USB. This was pretty baffling. Do
you have the same issue?