I have a 2005 Evinrude ETec 90HP. Had it since new and love the engine. For
the first three years of use, the WOT top RPM's (turning a Viper 19-pitch
stainless prop) were right at 5200RPM. This gave good performance when I needed
it (although I usually cruise around 3800-4000 RPM) and I was happy with that.
Last fall I took the engine to the dealer to do the 3-year checkup recommended
by Evinrude. They did the usual stuff --- plugs, drain/fill lower unit, check
water pump, etc. Also reflashed the computer with the latest firmware.
I've had the boat out a couple times on smaller lakes this spring, but today was
the first time that I had a chance to make a high speed run down a long lake. I
was totally surprised to find my WOT RPM's have risen to an honest 5600.
Absolutely nothing has changed physically..... same boat, same prop, same load
of fishing stuff, and I had a full load of fuel.
Were there some "performance enhancements" to the firmware between 2005 (when
the motor was built) and last fall? I was happy with the motor before, but now
it REALLY sparkles.
Come sit by the fire and warm your bones. Share a bracing drink and a few tales.
"The wind was picking up, the bite was cold, my hands were numb, nose was
running, I had to pee, and I was thinking of heading for the dock, when...."